My personal opinion

Well this blog it's about different topics, I have to choose four of them, and I chose: child labor, legalizing abortion, barras bravas and violence on television. Child labor I have to say that my childhood was excellent, I mean, I had all the thing I need, it just now I start to know about work and things like that, now I help my aunt in the "feria" and I have seen kids working, sometimes I see them and sometimes not, but I know that the most of them doing it because they want to, and that doesn't give me a bad feeling, I find them admirable, and I'm talking about kids around 13-15 years old. But I also know that sometimes bad people force kids to work, and that makes me feel sick, I mean, it's okay if they want to help a little and even in that situation we don't have to give them to much or an strong work. I know that not everyone have a good situation, but people that force a child to work like an adult it's just heartless, the situati...